I arrived in Guyana on August 5.
I had the honor
of meeting 60 prominent ministers from in and around
Thanks to Bishop Edghill for taking the time to
organize this
meeting. Except for his efforts to contact and invite the ministers it
would have not been possible to have had this meeting.
I ministered on the transition that G-d is now
bringing to the church around the world. I left the ministers a
sign from G-d that they might know the L-rd had sent me as
one of His prophets. The sign left was that during the next
election there would be the beginnings of tumults in the land
of Guyana.
Amos 3:7
the L-rd will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his
servants the prophets.
The church does not know where it
is going until the prophets come forth with
G-d’s road map. The prophet is the eyes and
mouth piece of G-d. They and only they know
where G-d is taking the church. They will guide the church
into the next place in which the L-rd intends for us to go. In
today’s modern church it is difficult for most of the pastors
to receive the fact that G-d has His ways of doing things.
The prophets that the L-rd has
called to the nations will go forth with
signs and wonders confirming His word. There are
different types of prophets. Some are called to the local
assemblies, some are called to areas or regions and others
are called to go into all the world. There are also different
levels of the anointing that operate within the prophet’s
Many pastors believe that they
have the calling of the prophet on their
lives and know exactly where G-d is taking
us. It may very well be that there are prophets pasturing
churches. However, many ministers do not understand the
calling in their lives. The five-fold ministry has five
distinctive offices with five distinctively different
anointings. The apostle’s office can and
will often walk in the shoes of all five of
these offices. He has the governments of the
church and knows how it all has to fit together. The apostle’s
office is waiting in the wings for the L-rd to beckon him
forth. The prophets are making the way for the apostles and
in His time they will come on the scene.
We have had the pastors office
operating the church for so long that it
going to be like pulling eye teeth for them to
understand their calling and to walk there. I have more on
this subject in a book that I wrote called, “ G-d‘s Divine
Order & Authority For The Church & Family.” The books and
tapes that we have listed are free, asking for a donation to
cover the cost of shipping. The books will be offered until we
run out of this current printing.

I spent Sunday ministering in
Bishop Juan Edghill’s church there in
Georgetown. I ministered in both the morning and
evening services. The name of the church is Outreach
Ministries International Church. Brother and Sister Edghill are
two anointed vessels of G-d. I appreciate their dept in G-d’s
word and kindness toward me. If you are ever in Georgetown
stop and be blessed in one of their services.
I also want to thank Praimroop
Persaud and his wife for taking such
wonderful care of me and a fellow prophet from Barbados,
Stephen Millar. They were a blessing to us and G-d blessed
them for their care. I told brother and sister Persaud that
when people bless a prophet they will receive a prophet’s
blessing. I told them that because they were so gracious to
us that G-d would bless their home, family, his business and
would give their son a miracle healing for his ears. He had
been deaf in both ears since an accident as a small boy. I
think they told me he was two years old at the time of the
accident. Their son is now 17 years old and has never talked
or heard since the accident. I told them that the L-rd would
have to create in their son’s ear the parts that they told me
was missing. I prayed and we watched as our G-d created
the parts in this young man’s ears. Praise be to G-d he now
hears perfectly out of both ears and the first word out of his
mouth was JESUS. He is now learning to form and speak
words. For the first time in all those years of being deaf he
sat in the front of the church on Sunday morning and could
hear the music praising G-d.

There were other people healed
during the two services on Sunday and for
all of this I give G-d the glory. As I travel
this world I have watched G-d save, heal, deliver, fill people
with the Holy Ghost and even witnessed Him raising the
dead. He is a mighty G-d!

On Monday I flew to Barbados to
spend a few days there. I ministered in Dr.
Bishop Allen’s church for two nights.
Apostle Reuben Goodman and his wife Prophetess Deborah
were in attendance with us. They also ministered to the
people. The anointing came down and we enjoyed watching
G-d meet the needs of the people. On the
second night of ministry the L-rd spoke to me and told me to let the
people that had need of healing touch my Talitt as the woman did in
Mark 5:27-28 and they would be made whole. Many Christians do not know
that the hem of His garment was the tassels of His garment called
Tsitsit. These tassels represented the Law and serve as a reminder.
The people came and the L-rd healed them through this means. People
often ask if that type of thing works in every meeting? No, only as
the L-rd directs. There were other
ministers in attendance but I never got their names. If
anyone is going to Barbados and looking for a church to
attend, I would highly suggest attending both of the
churches of Bishop Allen and the Goodman’s. They will bless
the socks right off your feet. We would be able to give you
phone numbers of their churches. Just e-mail us for the

Please be in prayer for our up
coming trip to Africa. We are hoping to
leave in mid October. The crowds, we are told will
exceed 100,000 people. It is really something to watch
multitudes coming to Christ. The water baptisms will start
before dawn and end well after dark.
By: Rev. T. E. Deckard
The End Time Messenger